AddIns and Scripting

Roslyn .NET Scripting is an easy way to write custom functionality with C# scripts that are compiled during startup.

You can either write inline scripts in Foopipes.yml or load .csx scripts from a file or an URL.


Addins are scripts that are loaded, compiled and run at startup. Typically an add-in registers new service types and tasks which then are available for the pipelines.

  - url: ""
  - script: |
      PipelineTask("nospaces").Json((context, json, ct) =>
           json.Data["name"] = json.Data["name"].Replace(" ", "");
           return json;

    type: mailgun
    apiKey: key-3a56bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx5c

      - queue: started
      - http: ""
      - nospaces
      - log
      - { mailgun.send, to:, subject: Error, text: An error occured }

Community Addins

Addins created by the community is available as a public repository on Github:

When loading a community Addin, use this URL format:

Consider using a tag or commit hash instead of the latest version:

Pull requests are welcome!

Registering tasks

Register custom tasks by passing a callback to the method PipelineTask(string name).

Pipeline tasks can be json and/or binary or dynamic, depending what kind of data they're able to handle.

PipelineTask("mytask").Json(async (context, json, cancellationToken) => 
        // Do something here with json data
        return json;

PipelineTask("mytask").Binary(async (context, data, cancellationToken) =>
        // Do something here with binary data
        return data;

Registering services

Custom services are the best way to keep state. You can either register a service type which later can be referenced in the configuration file or a service instance which will be a named singleton.

using Foopipes.Abstractions.Services;

class MyService : ServiceBase
    public string MyConfigValue => Config["myConfigValue"];
    private int _counter = 0;

    public int IncrementCounter()
        return Interlocked.Increment(ref _counter);

Service.Register("myserviceType", typeof(MyService));

Create an instance and configure your service in the configuration file:

    type: myserviceType
    myConfigValue: hello

In your tasks, you can get hold of a service instance like this:

PipelineTask("mytask").Json(async (context, json, cancellationToken) =>
        var service = await context.GetService<MyService>(defaultName: "myserviceInstanceName");
        json.Data["counter"] = service.IncrementCounter();
        return json;

Observer/observable pattern

If your service implements IObservableService you can emit events that trigger pipelines. Very powerful combined with IRunnableService and System.Reactive.

#r "System.Reactive"

using System.Reactive.Subjects;
using Foopipes.Abstractions.Services;

class MyObservableService : ServiceBase, IObservableService, IRunnableService
    private Subject<ServiceEvent> _subject = new Subject<ServiceEvent>();

    // IObservableService 
    public IObservable<ServiceEvent> Observable => _subject;

    // IRunnableService
    public async Task Run(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        while (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
            await Task.Delay(1000, cancellationToken);

            var metadata = JObject.FromObject(new
                currentTime = DateTime.Now,

            var serviceEvent = new ServiceEvent(this, metadata, new[] { new BinaryData(new byte[]{ 0x42} }));

Service.Register("myObservableService", typeof(MyObservableService));
    type: myObservableService

      - myObservableService
      - log 

Invoking tasks from a task

You can write tasks that invoke other tasks.

PipelineTask("sendGreeting").Json(async (context, json, cancellationToken) =>
        var data = JObject.FromObject(new
            greeting = "hello " + await context.GetExpandedConfigValue("name")

        var config = new Dictionary<string, string>
                {"url", "" },
                {"method", "post"},
                {"body", "formUrlEncoded"}

        var r = await context.RunTask("http").WithData(data).WithArguments(config).Invoke(cancellationToken);
        return json;

Invoke with:

    - { sendGreeting, name: "Foo #{lastname}" }

Returning results

Task callbacks can return json and/or binary data.

PipelineTask("mytask").Json(async (context, json, cancellationToken) =>
        return new JsonData( JObject.FromObject(new { hello="world"}) );
PipelineTask("mytask").Json(async (context, json, cancellationToken) =>
        return new BinaryData(new byte[]{0x42});

It's also possible to return multiple results.

PipelineTask("mytask").Json(async (context, json, cancellationToken) =>
        return new ProcessJsonResult( new[]{ 
            JObject.FromObject(new { hello="world1" }),
            JObject.FromObject(new { hello="world2" }),

Referencing other assemblies

You can reference assemblies using the #r syntax.

#r "System.Security.Cryptography.Csp"

using System.Security.Cryptography;

var _aes = Aes.Create();

PipelineTask("decryptstring").Binary(async (context, binary, cancellationToken) =>
        using (var decryptor = _aes.CreateDecryptor(key, iv))
            // etc etc
        return JObject.FromObject(new { value=decryptedData });

Currently, it is not possible to reference Nuget assembles.

Data binding

Use context.BindValue(string bindingExpression) to obtain a value using the data binding functionality.

PipelineTask("mytask").Json(async (context, json, cancellationToken) =>
        var myvalue = await context.BindValue("#{elasticsearch:myvalue}");
        json.Data["boundValue"] = myvalue;
        return json;

Similary, use context.SetValue(string path, object value) to set a value.

PipelineTask("mytask").Json(async (context, json, cancellationToken) =>
        await context.SetValue("elasticsearch:myvalue", "hello world");
        return json;

Class Reference

Addin host globals:

    ITaskBuilder PipelineTask(string name);
    IServiceBuilder Service { get; }
interface ITaskBuilder
    /************ Async Json ************/
    public ITaskBuilder Json(Func<IScriptTaskContext, JsonData, CancellationToken, Task<IProcessResult>> func);
    public ITaskBuilder Json(Func<IScriptTaskContext, JsonData, CancellationToken, Task<JsonData>> func);
    public ITaskBuilder Json(Func<IScriptTaskContext, JsonData, CancellationToken, Task<JObject>> func);
    public ITaskBuilder Json(Func<IScriptTaskContext, JsonData, CancellationToken, Task<JObject[]>> func);
    public ITaskBuilder Json(Func<IScriptTaskContext, JsonData, CancellationToken, Task<BinaryData>> func);
    public ITaskBuilder Json(Func<IScriptTaskContext, JsonData, CancellationToken, Task<byte[]>> func);

    /************ Non async Json ************/
    public ITaskBuilder Json(Func<IScriptTaskContext, JsonData, CancellationToken, IProcessResult> func);
    public ITaskBuilder Json(Func<IScriptTaskContext, JsonData, CancellationToken, JsonData> func);
    public ITaskBuilder Json(Func<IScriptTaskContext, JsonData, CancellationToken, JObject> func);
    public ITaskBuilder Json(Func<IScriptTaskContext, JsonData, CancellationToken, JObject[]> func);
    public ITaskBuilder Json(Func<IScriptTaskContext, JsonData, CancellationToken, byte[]> func);
    public ITaskBuilder Json(Func<IScriptTaskContext, JsonData, CancellationToken, BinaryData> func);

    /************ async Binary************/
    public ITaskBuilder Binary(Func<IScriptTaskContext, BinaryData, CancellationToken, Task<IProcessResult>> func);
    public ITaskBuilder Binary(Func<IScriptTaskContext, BinaryData, CancellationToken, Task<JsonData>> func);
    public ITaskBuilder Binary(Func<IScriptTaskContext, BinaryData, CancellationToken, Task<JObject>> func);
    public ITaskBuilder Binary(Func<IScriptTaskContext, BinaryData, CancellationToken, Task<JObject[]>> func);
    public ITaskBuilder Binary(Func<IScriptTaskContext, BinaryData, CancellationToken, Task<BinaryData>> func);
    public ITaskBuilder Binary(Func<IScriptTaskContext, BinaryData, CancellationToken, Task<byte[]>> func);

    /************ Non async Binary************/
    public ITaskBuilder Binary(Func<IScriptTaskContext, BinaryData, CancellationToken, IProcessResult> func);
    public ITaskBuilder Binary(Func<IScriptTaskContext, BinaryData, CancellationToken, JsonData> func);
    public ITaskBuilder Binary(Func<IScriptTaskContext, BinaryData, CancellationToken, JObject> func);
    public ITaskBuilder Binary(Func<IScriptTaskContext, BinaryData, CancellationToken, JObject[]> func);
    public ITaskBuilder Binary(Func<IScriptTaskContext, BinaryData, CancellationToken, byte[]> func);
    public ITaskBuilder Binary(Func<IScriptTaskContext, BinaryData, CancellationToken, BinaryData> func);

    /************ Non async Dynamic ************/
    public ITaskBuilder Dynamic(Func<IScriptTaskContext, dynamic, CancellationToken, dynamic> func);

    /************ async Dynamic ************/
    public ITaskBuilder Dynamic(Func<IScriptTaskContext, dynamic, CancellationToken, Task<dynamic>> func);

    public ITaskBuilder WithDefaultConfigKey(string defaultConfigKey);

interface IServiceBuilder
    public IServiceBuilder Instance(string name, IService instance);
    public IServiceBuilder Register(string typeName, Type serviceType);
interface IScriptTaskContext
    IDictionary<string, string> Config { get; }
    ILogger Logger { get; }
    ILoggerFactory LoggerFactory { get; }
    IPipelineContext PipelineContext { get; }
    IServiceProvider ServiceProvider { get; }

    Task<string> BindValue(string bindingExpression);
    Task<string> GetExpandedConfigValue(string key, bool throwIfNotSet = true);
    IService GetService(string name);
    IRunTaskBuilder RunTask(string name);
    Task SetValue(string path, object val);
public static class ScriptTaskContextExtensions
    public static async Task<TService> GetService<TService>(this IScriptTaskContext context, 
        string defaultName, 
        string configKeyName = "service",
        bool throwIfNotFound = true) where TService : class;
    public static T GetAndConvertConfigValue<T>(this IScriptTaskContext context, string key, T defaultValue=default(T));
    public static string GetConfigValue(this IScriptTaskContext context, string key, bool throwIfNotSet=true);
public class JsonData : IProcessResultData
    public JsonData(JObject jsonData, JObject metadata=null);

    public JObject Metadata { get; }
    public JObject Data { get; }

    public static JsonData Empty { get; }

public class BinaryData : IProcessResultData
    public BinaryData(byte[] binaryData, JObject metadata = null);

    public JObject Metadata { get; }
    public byte[] Data { get; }
    public static BinaryData Empty { get; }